ضع بصمتك
الموسم الثالث
الحلقة الاولى
شمـــــــس تشــرق من جــديــد في ســماء الهمــم والبصــمات والتميز والابداع
هاهي شمس برنامجنا تشرق مع اطلالة جديدة كانت واضحة في مقدمة البرنامج التي اطلت علينا وكلنا يحدونا الشوق لهذه الحلقة الجديدة التي اطل بها علينا الشيخ وهو في لهفة وشوق لمشاهديه ومتابعيه في كافة ارجاء العالم..
وقد بدأت الحلقة في حماس متألق كما عودنا شيخنا حفظه الله وقد بدا واضحا على شيخنا مدى شوقه ولهفته للبرنامج ولمشاهديه..كما توجه بالشكر لكل من تواصل معه في الاشهر الماضية..
وقد خصص الحلقة للمشاهدين ولمتابعيه حتى يعطيهم حقهم كاملا في الاستفسارات والاقترااحات..وهذا تكرما من الشيخ ويدل على مدى حرصه على تلبيه رغبات المشاهدين والمتابعين..الذين عددهم كبير جدا..
فالمشاهدين كثير على مستوى العالم اجمع ولله الحمد وهذا دليل على توفيق الله عزوجل .
كما وضح شيخنا ان البصمات التي يجب ان نضعها يجب ان تناسب المسلمين على مستوى العالم ولا تخص مجتمع معين او فئة معينه..
وقد تم عرض بعض اقتراحات المشاهدين للموسم الجديد ..حتى تكون هناك بصمات جديدة مع الموسم الجديد ومن هذه البصمات..
1-بصمة للمغتربين
2-بصمة في ادمان الشباب للمواقع الاباحية
3-بصمة في عدم ثقة الافراد في انفسهم وكيف نعالجه
4-ضع بصمتك في الدعوة الى الله
5-بصمة في كيفية التأثير في غير المسلمين في الخارج
6-بصمه في معاملة العصاة.
7-بصمة في البر بالوالدين
8- بصمة في التعامل بين الزوجين
9-بصمة في مواقع الانترنت والفيس بوك
10-بصمة في التعامل مع الاخوة والاشقاءوونبذ الشقاق بينهم
11-بصمة في المعتقدات الغير صحيحة المنتشرة في المجتمعات والمخالفات العقديه.
ثم خرج بنا لتقرير وهو عبارة عن تكريم قناة اقرأ لشيخنا الفاضل حفظه الله بإهدائه درعا تعبيرا عن تقديرهم وامتنانهم للشيخ..ولان برنامج ضع بصمتك من اكثر البرامج تأثيرا على الشباب والامة ولله الحمد وهذا سبب تكريم القناة للشيخ ..ويستحق شيخنا كل تكريم على جهوده وبصماته الرائعه..
وقد وضح الشيخ ان هذا البرنامج من اقوى البرامج التي قدمها الشيخ انتشارا وتأثيرا ولله الحمد وهذا من قبول الله للعبد ان يطرح له القبول في الارض..
وقد بشرنا الشيخ بأنه سيتم تسجيل حلقات وستعرض مباشرة من دول في الخارج كمصر والسودان والاردن بإذن الله ..
وايضا من التجديد ان تكون هدايا المشاركات الخاصة بالجمهور تكون هداياها مادية بقيمة 500 ريال لان ارسالها اسهل للجمهوروهذا من حرص الشيخ على وصول الهدايا لمستحقيها ..
كما اخبر شيخنا المشاهدين عن المسابقة التي نسقها الشيخ في المنتدى وهي
مسابقة ابناء ام المؤمنين عائشة رضي الله عنها
وهي عبارة عن بحث بعنوان الف فائدة من حياة ام المؤمنين عائشة رضى الله عنها
كما اعلن عنها في مديرنا في المنتدى
وعدد المشاركين الى الان اكثر من 13000 الف مشارك
فنسأل الله التوفيق لجميع المشاركين
ثم خرج بنا شيخنا لتقريراخر خاص بزيارته لليبيا مؤخرا..
وقد بدا واضحا مدى اقبال الناس هناك على المحاضرات من خلال الاعداد الكبيرة التي اقبلت للحضور لشيخنا والسماع منه
ومن الرائع في التقرير اعلان اسلام اشخاص هناك في المسجد الذي كان كنيسة ثم حولت الى مسجد..
ثم عرضت مجموعه من الصور تصور مدى تزاحم الناس على الشيخ
وقد البس شيخنا اللبس التقليدي لعلماء ليبيا وهو لبس عمر المختار..في مشاركة راااائعة وحميميه لاهل المليون حافظ الذين بدا عليهم علامات الفرح والسعاده بهذه الزيارة الطيبة من شيخنا حفظه الله ورعاه..
ثم استقبل شيخنا عدد من مكالمات المشاهدين ومقترحاتهم التي حوت الكثير من البصمات الجديدة والاقتراحات.
حلقة كانت راااائعة وبثت الحماس في النفوس..واحتوت الكثير من المفاجآت والتقارير الاكثر من رااائعه والبصمات الاروع التي قدمها شيخنا وسيقدمها لنا في الموسم الجديد
شيخنا الفاضل موسم جديد بهمة جديدة ..ببصمات جديدة..بنفوس وحماس جديدين ..كل ذلك لتنهض الامه من جديد..
بوركت هذه الجهود الجبارة وبوركت مساعيكم وحرصكم وربي يجعل كل ما تقدمون جبالا من الحسنات يوم القيامة
وانتظرونا في تقارير جديدة بإذن الله مع موسمنا الجديد
ولا تذهبوا بعيدا..
The first report of the workshop to put your fingerprint Season 3
Put your fingerprint
The third season
The first
Sun shines again in the sky minds, fingerprints, excellence and creativity
Here is our sun shines with a new look was evident in the introduction to the program that starts on us and we are all longing for this new episode, which peered us by al-Sheikh, with anxious and longing for viewers and Mtabaih in all parts of the world ..
The episode began in Hamas Mtolq as usual, God save our sheikh has become clear over the sheikh yearning and eagerness for the program and viewers .. He also thanked all those who connect with him in the past few months ..
The seminar was devoted to viewers and Mtabaih even give them their right to full inquiries and Alaguetraahat .. and this favor, Sheikh and shows how his commitment to meet the wishes of the viewers and followers .. who's too big ..
Valmcahidin many at the level of the whole world, and thankfully this guide on the help of God Almighty.
The sheikh explained that the fingerprints that must be put should fit the Muslims in the world does not belong in a particular community or class ..
Has been offering viewers some suggestions for the new season .. so there will be the hallmarks of a new season with this new and fingerprints ..
1 - the imprint of the expatriates
2 - footprint in the addiction of young people to porn sites
3 - difference in the lack of confidence in themselves as individuals and how to treat it
4 - Put your fingerprint in the invitation to God
5 - fingerprint in how to influence the non-Muslims abroad
6 - imprint in the treatment of sinners.
7 - footprint in mainland parents
8 - footprint in the treatment of spouses
9 - fingerprint on the Internet, and Facebook
10 - tag in dealing with the brothers and discord among them Alahqaonbz
11 - mark on the incorrect beliefs prevalent in communities and irregularities Streptococcus.
And then left us to the report, which is a tribute channel Read to Shaykh Fadil may God protect him by giving him a shield an expression of appreciation and gratitude to Sheikh .. and because the program place the fingerprint of the most programs impact on young people and the nation, and praise God for this reason honoring the channel of Sheikh .. and deserves our sheikh each honored for his efforts and his mark wonderful ..
The Sheikh explained that the program of the strongest programs presented by Sheikh popular and influential and thankfully this is God's acceptance of Abdullah that the issue of acceptance on the ground ..
Sheikh has informed us that there will be workshops and registration will be displayed directly from overseas countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, God willing ..
And also of the renewal to be Gifts own posts with the public to be material gifts worth SR 500 because they are sent easier to Gmehorohma of Sheikh keen on the arrival of gifts to the beneficiaries ..
Shaykh also told viewers about the contest coordinated by the Sheikh in the Forum,
Competition or the sons of believers Aisha, may Allah be pleased
It is a study titled one thousandth interest in the life of mother of believers Aisha may Allah be pleased
As announced in our manager in the forum
And the number of participants far more than 13000 thousand participants
We ask God for success to all participants
And then left us to our sheikh Tqriravr a special visit to Libya recently ..
It has become clear over the turnout of people there on the lectures through the large numbers that came back to attend to our sheikh and hearing from him
It is wonderful in the report declared Islam people out there in the mosque, which was then transformed the church into a mosque ..
Then presented a set of images depicting the people crowding on Sheikh
The sheikh wear the traditional dress of men of Libya, Omar Mukhtar, a confusion in the post .. Raaaaah and intimate to the people who seemed to keep a million signs of joy and happiness to this visit, good sheik, may God protect him ..
He then received a number of our sheikh calls the viewers and their proposals, which contained a lot of fingerprints and the new proposals.
Episode was aired Raaaaah and enthusiasm in the soul .. and it contained a lot of surprises and most of the reports and fingerprint Raaaiah Allarroa provided by the sheikh and submitted to us in the new season
Shaykh Fadil new season .. new actively imprint Bnfos new .. new .. and Hamas, all of this nation, again ..
Blessed with this tremendous efforts and your blessed Lord and your desire and makes everything you serve mountains of the Day of Judgement Favors
Coming in the new reports, God willing, our season with the new
Do not go away .
The third season
The first
Sun shines again in the sky minds, fingerprints, excellence and creativity
Here is our sun shines with a new look was evident in the introduction to the program that starts on us and we are all longing for this new episode, which peered us by al-Sheikh, with anxious and longing for viewers and Mtabaih in all parts of the world ..
The episode began in Hamas Mtolq as usual, God save our sheikh has become clear over the sheikh yearning and eagerness for the program and viewers .. He also thanked all those who connect with him in the past few months ..
The seminar was devoted to viewers and Mtabaih even give them their right to full inquiries and Alaguetraahat .. and this favor, Sheikh and shows how his commitment to meet the wishes of the viewers and followers .. who's too big ..
Valmcahidin many at the level of the whole world, and thankfully this guide on the help of God Almighty.
The sheikh explained that the fingerprints that must be put should fit the Muslims in the world does not belong in a particular community or class ..
Has been offering viewers some suggestions for the new season .. so there will be the hallmarks of a new season with this new and fingerprints ..
1 - the imprint of the expatriates
2 - footprint in the addiction of young people to porn sites
3 - difference in the lack of confidence in themselves as individuals and how to treat it
4 - Put your fingerprint in the invitation to God
5 - fingerprint in how to influence the non-Muslims abroad
6 - imprint in the treatment of sinners.
7 - footprint in mainland parents
8 - footprint in the treatment of spouses
9 - fingerprint on the Internet, and Facebook
10 - tag in dealing with the brothers and discord among them Alahqaonbz
11 - mark on the incorrect beliefs prevalent in communities and irregularities Streptococcus.
And then left us to the report, which is a tribute channel Read to Shaykh Fadil may God protect him by giving him a shield an expression of appreciation and gratitude to Sheikh .. and because the program place the fingerprint of the most programs impact on young people and the nation, and praise God for this reason honoring the channel of Sheikh .. and deserves our sheikh each honored for his efforts and his mark wonderful ..
The Sheikh explained that the program of the strongest programs presented by Sheikh popular and influential and thankfully this is God's acceptance of Abdullah that the issue of acceptance on the ground ..
Sheikh has informed us that there will be workshops and registration will be displayed directly from overseas countries such as Egypt, Sudan, Jordan, God willing ..
And also of the renewal to be Gifts own posts with the public to be material gifts worth SR 500 because they are sent easier to Gmehorohma of Sheikh keen on the arrival of gifts to the beneficiaries ..
Shaykh also told viewers about the contest coordinated by the Sheikh in the Forum,
Competition or the sons of believers Aisha, may Allah be pleased
It is a study titled one thousandth interest in the life of mother of believers Aisha may Allah be pleased
As announced in our manager in the forum
And the number of participants far more than 13000 thousand participants
We ask God for success to all participants
And then left us to our sheikh Tqriravr a special visit to Libya recently ..
It has become clear over the turnout of people there on the lectures through the large numbers that came back to attend to our sheikh and hearing from him
It is wonderful in the report declared Islam people out there in the mosque, which was then transformed the church into a mosque ..
Then presented a set of images depicting the people crowding on Sheikh
The sheikh wear the traditional dress of men of Libya, Omar Mukhtar, a confusion in the post .. Raaaaah and intimate to the people who seemed to keep a million signs of joy and happiness to this visit, good sheik, may God protect him ..
He then received a number of our sheikh calls the viewers and their proposals, which contained a lot of fingerprints and the new proposals.
Episode was aired Raaaaah and enthusiasm in the soul .. and it contained a lot of surprises and most of the reports and fingerprint Raaaiah Allarroa provided by the sheikh and submitted to us in the new season
Shaykh Fadil new season .. new actively imprint Bnfos new .. new .. and Hamas, all of this nation, again ..
Blessed with this tremendous efforts and your blessed Lord and your desire and makes everything you serve mountains of the Day of Judgement Favors
Coming in the new reports, God willing, our season with the new
Do not go away ..
بقلم المهاجرة
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